5 vs 5 football player robot simulator has been one of the first leagues of the FIRA RoboWorld Cup, which aims to simulate football player robot competitions so that teams can test their strategy and algorithms without having equipment and robots.
You can see the rules of the 5vs5 football simulator league in this link and the simulator software in this link.
Pro teams must complete and send their technical report in English according to the Springer LNAI format defined on the site and according to the items mentioned in the Persian format.
Youth teams can send the technical report in Persian format.
Technical Report Persian format.
Note: Sending technical report and video of game performance is necessary for this league.
It is also necessary to upload a short video (2-3 minutes) of the system setup and code execution as well as the operation of robots for at least 1 minute without cutting, in sharing services (such as Aparat, You tube or clouds sites) and the link to access it be inserted in the report.